summer siding maintenance

Congratulations! If you have quality vinyl siding, there’s little to do for summer siding maintenance. In fact, that’s one of the best things about vinyl siding – it’s easy to maintain! In addition, quality vinyl siding is hail resistant. So, when those summer hail storms come (and they will!), you can rest easy knowing that your biggest investment is protected. 

Here are a few things you can do to keep your siding material looking as fresh and clean as the first day it was installed.

Summer Siding Maintenance Tips

Your neighbors with wood siding may have to spend their summer season scraping peeling paint – or forgo a fabulous vacation because they need to pay for a paint job. 

Try not to gloat as you spend a few hours inspecting and cleaning your beautiful vinyl siding

Clean your siding.

Read the manufacturer’s instructions on how best to clean the dirt buildup and debris from your siding. Some manufacturers recommend using a clean cloth or soft brush with mild detergent. Others recommend using a power washer on your home’s exterior. 

Check for signs of mildew growth. 

Again, read the manufacturer’s instructions before using harsh chemicals or a pressure washer on your vinyl siding. And remember, while mold and mildew growth is annoying, it’s faster and cheaper to get rid of than paying for a fresh coat of paint on your house.

Check for damage. 

We have had a lot of hail and strong storms lately. High winds and harsh weather may damage your vinyl siding. Look for damaged or loose panels and replace or fix them as soon as possible to avoid water damage. 

Check for insect damage.

Unwanted pests can damage some vinyl siding. However, regular cleaning can reduce the likelihood of insect damage.

Look for signs that it might be time to replace your siding. 

Nothing lasts forever. Quality, expertly installed, and well-maintained vinyl siding should last between 30 and 40 years.

Check for these signs that might indicate your siding is at the end of its life:

  • Cracked
  • Warped
  • Rotting
  • Covered with fungus, mold, or mildew
  • Faded
  • Chipped
  • Blistered

vinyl siding

Don’t Put Off Buying New Siding

Is it time for new siding? (Or are you ready to replace your outdated wood siding with a product that doesn’t require constant maintenance and expensive repairs?) Then contact Woodbridge Home Solutions.

Our siding will increase your home’s energy efficiency because it’s thoroughly insulated and reduces heat transfer. Your AC won’t have to work as hard during the summer months after installing your new siding. 

Woodbridge Home Solutions’ vinyl siding also will enhance your home’s curb appeal. You’ll have a third fewer seams than if you purchase siding from one of our competitors. And our siding has pigment incorporated uniformly throughout the siding material instead of being painted, so you won’t notice any chips. Also, our insulated vinyl siding has a protective polymer coating to resist fading.

Schedule a consultation with one of our team members today to learn about our summer siding specials. Were you in the path of our most recent hail storm? Contact Woodbridge Home Solutions today to have us inspect your siding in Lubbock, Amarillo, Dallas, and surrounding areas in Texas. We work with insurance companies as well!

Key Takeaways About Summer Siding Maintenance

  • Vinyl siding is easy to maintain. Most manufacturers recommend removing loose dirt and thoroughly inspecting the surface once a year.
  • If you notice cracks, warping, or a blistered surface, it may be time to replace your siding.
  • Quality vinyl siding lasts between 30 and 40 years.
Categories: Siding