lifespan of windows

Is it time to consider replacement windows? While some window companies may say it’s time to replace your windows when they are X years old, the honest answer to “What is the typical lifespan of windows?” is more nuanced. It depends on the quality of windows and installation, the type of window, and whether the correct type of windows was installed for your local climate.

Here are some signs it’s time to complete a window replacement project.

Is It Time to Replace Windows? Here Are the Signs

All types of windows (wood windows, aluminum windows, fiberglass windows, and vinyl windows) eventually need replacement. Here are some signs it might be time for new windows on your home.

Your windows are drafty.

Drafty windows indicate that it might be time to replace your residential windows. If you feel outside air seeping into your home, it may be time to replace windows.

Try this test. On a breezy day, dampen your hand and move it around the window frame and window sash. Any drafts will feel cool to your hand. In extreme cases, you may notice the draft by standing next to the window.

You notice a spike in energy usage.

Everyone’s energy bills are increasing. However, the real indicator of how well your windows are holding up against extreme temperatures is energy usage. Assuming that your temperatures and weather conditions have been the same in the last few years, have you noticed any increase in energy usage?

There could be various reasons for this spike – such as an aging HVAC system or appliances. However, the U.S. Department of Energy says heat gain and heat loss through windows are responsible for up to 30% of residential heating and cooling energy use.

To improve your home’s energy efficiency, consider getting vinyl replacement windows.

replace your windows

Your windows don’t function as they should.

Spend a Saturday morning inspecting your windows. When you open them, do they stay in the open position? Do they close and lock tightly? Do you have any windows that don’t open at all?

Windows that don’t function as they should are safety hazards. After all, your window may be the only means of exit in an emergency. Broken windows need to be fixed or replaced.

Your windows are outdated.

Of course, modern windows are more energy efficient. One reason is that single-pane windows – and double-pane windows – are no longer the norm. Instead, triple-pane windows reduce high energy bills. Insulating gas reduces heat loss and the sound waves through the panes. And low-e coatings minimize heat gain.

Also, old windows are hard to clean. Double-hung windows offer more flexibility and are easier to wash.

Vinyl Windows for the Win!

Whether your current windows are 10, 15, or 20 years old, it might be time for a window replacement project. Contact Woodbridge Home Solutions to schedule an inspection followed by a free estimate. Improve the curb appeal of your home while also improving your home’s energy efficiency.

Woodbridge Home Solutions’ Woodbridge Classic product line is locally made and professionally installed. We serve homeowners in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

Key Takeaways

  • Instead of asking, “How long do windows last?” ask, “Are my windows functioning properly?”
  • Drafty, poorly functioning windows need to be replaced.
  • Single-paned windows and other outdated products need to be replaced.
  • Vinyl replacement windows are beautiful and energy-efficient. 
Categories: Windows